2nd January, 2nd Pool

Experience shows that children need to be witnessed by adults, and to have their behaviour reflected back to them, instead of being judged or criticised.
Mothers/caregivers who give their children quality, focussed attention, find them to be less demanding and more able and willing to be with themselves.
Being present with the child means to be where they are. To reflect what they are doing instead of judging and criticising. Praise can be received as judgement and create approval seeking behaviour, developing a need for external validation. Through processes of presence/being-with/reflection young people learn to develop the inner witness and are able to gage their own actions, developing healthy self-esteem.
The role of Education in the formation of individuality and personal expression, and the conforming to cultural and social expectations and requirements. How this creates notions of gender etc.
Teachers finding an increased lack of discipline and respect from students. That teachers are required to develop basic interpersonal behavioural skills (manners, social etiquette etc.) above the learning content. Is this due to post-modern deconstruction of family/cultural/social structures? Does the prevailing multi-culturalism also play a role?


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