20 December, Eat Drink Both, Elna Cavendish

Was given a potent life metaphor:
The conversation had been about daily practice, the important things in life which are necessary to maintain balance, good proportion and health. Things like yoga, meditation, prayer, service, healthy eating and community. How often an excuse for not maintaining these practices is a lack of time.
The metaphor: If my life is like a jar, and all the things I need to do in a day are a variety of different sized pebbles, put the large ones in first, the above list. The smaller, possible less important things wiggle their way through.

Conversation: With a woman very enthused and involved in youth/skills development in the Free State; it’s important that we focus on the specific needs of South Africa, and from that point of view allow systems/skill development/projects to emerge. Importing systems/attitudes/projects which work in other countries, will most likely be in appropriate. It’s not to say that solutions will not be found there. Processes need to start at home.


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