October 1

A discussion started with a statement that corporal punishment should be reinstated at schools; it would make the students more disciplined. On closer examination, the person who said it had experienced that manner of enforcing rules and regulations when she was at school, and it had kept students in line. We explored how that approach was fear based and produced a lot of anxiety and restriction, and that maybe the apparent lack of discipline now, is as a reaction to that method. We explored other ideas; what emerged is the necessity to created healthy boundaries for children/students and develop an awareness of accountability and consequences. Perhaps these could be achieved by rewarding appropriate actions/attitudes and the denying of privileges when there is inappropriate behaviour?
A rather passionate conversation on the agenda governments have in education. That education is a very powerful tool to grow people, developing ability to self-learn or to control people by developing docile, servile workers, useful as elements in an industrial model.
That ‘quality’ education becomes elitist, as it’s only available to a small affluent minority. This ‘quality’ education however does not ensure an evolved, developed, well adjusted, spiritually aligned, socially aware and involved, highly intelligent human. These qualities seem to mysteriously emerge from other places, assuming that they are desirable qualities anyway!?
We talked about, what does set people apart? How do some people seem more aware, conscious and evolved? What is this and can it be provoked in people. Can it be catalysed through education?
Emme Jeans


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